水浴恒温振荡器 ( Water-bathing Constant Temperature Vibrator) 介绍: 水浴恒温振荡器(水浴摇床)是一种温度可控的水浴槽与振荡器相结合的生化仪器,温度控制采用智能集成电路,设定无漂移、LED显示、示值直观准确。该系列产品广泛适用于植物、微生物、环境保护、卫生防疫、食品工程等实验室。 (Water-bathing Constant table) is a kind of kiochemistry instruments which combines water-bathing through whose temperature can be controlled with vibrator. Temperature-control uses intellectual ability synthesic wire,designs non drift,LED show. The digital can directly be seen precistly. The series of products are widely used in the labs,suchas plant,mcirobiology,enviroument-protecting,sanitation and anti-epedemic,food-entineering. 型 号 TypeNo. 控温范围 (℃) Temperature Contrd Range (℃) 振荡幅度 (mm) Vibration Range (mm) 振荡频率 (rpm) Vibration Frequence (rpm) 定时范围 Time Fixed Range 整机功率 (W) The Whole Machine Power (W) 工作尺寸 (cm) Working Size (cm) 外形尺寸 (cm) Outside Size (cm) SHA-B(A) 室温~100 20 0~300 0~120 1880 39×29 71×55×52 THZ-82(A) 室温~100 20 0~300 0~120 1880 39×29 71×55×49 SHA-C(A) 室温~100 20 0~300 0~120 1880 39×29 71×55×49